What might the future of Greater China's transport interchanges look like in
order to meet the challenges and opportunities in the year 2030?


A research masterclass in strategic innovation and futures thinking, select individuals from PolyU HK were invited to explore key trends, identify implications, and develop concepts and ideas for the future of design and user interactions in transport stations and interchanges. Considering them as multi-purpose environments and hubs for short and long distance travel as well as complimentary services such as residential, retail, hospitality, logistics and other uses. 

Interacting with experts in Foresight and Transportation, critical insights and practical considerations made available from ARUP and the MTR Corporation helped the team to develop a preferable ‘Design Foresight’, envisioning various implications & concepts in the relative area.

We framed a set of issues and objectives, scanned medium to long-term time horizons for theme-based information, using early signs of change to inform a preferable and desirable ‘Station and Interchanges 2030 ‘ future.  

Here is a serious looking journey map I made to help convey the process.